Globally, livestock is considered to be one of the major threats to biodiversity. It’s quite clear that an increase in animal products is not the way to save biodiversity. Rather, a reduction and reformation is probably what’s needed from an environmental perspective.
An increase in diary and meat consumption does not automatically promote pasturelands (Wallman et al., 2014). This is likely due to that it’s more economically viable to feed animals more energy dense crops.
The issue as I see it, is that both globally and locally, livestock contributes to GHG-emissions, increased land usage and eutrophication. All of these factors are contributing to loss of biodiversity globally and locally. One has to weigh in the cost of producing livestock to the benefit of biodiversity locally. One issue as I see, is that if we increase our livestock production as it is, we will also increase the fodder imported – usually from monoculture- which instead contribute to a loss of biodiversity
Source of information:
The issue as I see it, is that both globally and locally, livestock contributes
ResponderEliminarEa, zer da benetan adierazi nahi dena?
1. Animalietatik datozen elikagaien kontsumoa igo da
2. Animaliak era artifizialean elikatzen dira
3. Produktu horiek erabiltzeak Gas kaltegarriak sortzen dituzte
Bale, eta konpontzeko modurik, ba al dago?