Answer to 5A.
Hi, 5A.
To add your information, we have worked about your topic and we have found an interesting new.
Probably you are interested in it:
26 years ago, in 1990, ‘Torraspapel’ factory, named ‘Papelera Del Carmen’ noticed that they couldn't use the water of Ibaizabal river because of the high level of toxic products. This company discovered that the guilty was Smurfit Nervion. (Now known as Smurfit kappa) One year later, exactly on october and december, they killed the few remaining fishes that Biscays deputation was trying to keep alive.
EKI (nowadays known as ''Ekologistak Martxan'') and ''The Consorcio de Aguas de la Merindad de Durango'' made a legal complaint but a time after, The consorcio gave up the lawsuit.
In 2005, legal case became and the district attorney demanded four months of prison for the two executives of the company.