A quarry is a place from which we obtain a lot of different materials. Once not in use, it causes a lot of environmental damages, mainly related to the destruction of the landscape.
We just think this is a problem that it is not affecting us, but we have just need to look around us to realise that we are wrong. Let's talk about Bilbao. What it was once a quarry in Artxondo, it is now being filled with the discharge of surplus from other exploitations by “Cementos Rezola de Arrigorriaga”. Artxondo (Bolintxu), is the area with the highest natural values of Bilbao and it is protected by the special plan of the Pagasarri´s mountain (PEMP).
The PEMP requires the renaturalization and the regeneration of wetlands and ponds located at the bottom of the old exploitation area, where different species of amphibians live. But, with the discharges, is not only that the land is not regenerated, but also the habitats are destroying. This is happening because trucks are pouring tons of debris on wetlands.
In addition, the quarry also requires the conservation of its walls, because some of the protected birds live there, such us the peregrine falcon and the common kestrel. This animals are also being affected because trucks pour the debris from the highest point.
Knowing this consequences, Bilbao´s city council gave the building authorization to the company Cementos Rezola.
So, if we don´t stop it before it's too late, we will be living in the year 2031, year when the constructions are supposed to be finished, and all the damage directly related to the biodiversity will be caused.