Nowadays HST (High Speed Train) is very known among people all over Spain. As you would probably know, this fast train has caused a lot of problems, like destroying a lot of mountains, but also has some benefits too. This project was created in 2001, and they are still building it.
First of all, why was it created? Which was the aim of this project? Well, this high-speed train, was designed to join big cities, like from the Basque Country to Madrid, so that the travelers wouldn´t have to take aircrafts. Apart from that is faster than conventional trains and it is also cheaper than some other public transports. We also have to take into account that it doesn´t pollute as much as some other transports.
Good, you´ve got a problem. Now get out there and do some research!!
ResponderEliminarWhy is it a problem? is it affecting local biodiversity? Why? How?....
Be especific in your answers!...I Mean, don´t just talk about the TGV in general, choose a site (there are some close to Durango) and investigate how it has affected the local biodiversity
You need to correct some grammatical errors
ResponderEliminarGROUP 4B ASWERING GROUP 6A:
ResponderEliminarWe had worked on the same topic and we want to help you adding more information.
In our opinion, the implantation of this transport demand the construction of expensive infrastructures that involves deep environmental impacts, owing to that, HST is affecting directly to the biodiversity due to the fact that is decreasing the amount of oxygen in the air because of the deforestation, and also are disappearing so many species.
We are agree in some of the facts that you mention in your work.
We hope that this will help you.
Keep working!