martes, 19 de enero de 2016

Wind Energy in Oiz (4A)


After the Kyoto protocol, the plan of renewable energy sources in Spain and the Plan 3- E 2005 of the Basque country, many governments decided to invest in renewable energy sources. In Oiz, for example, there were installed many electric generating windmills. What seem to be better for the climate change is quite harmful for the ecosystem. Besides, at the process of installing them the nature where they are located is broken.

This wind farm is completed with 40 windmills and it was the first wind farm of Biscay. They started to build it in 2003 and in 2007 they started to work and generate power. Despite the fact that they took into account the biotope, such as, grassland, ponds and vegetation, the consequences are obvious.

But which are the most important harms to the environment?

Information source:

4A Group: Igor, Xabier.B, Xabier.U and Melissa

1 comentario:

  1. That is a good question, I hope you have fun investigating to find the answer!!! :)
