miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

1D HST (High Speed Trains)

It has never been built anything as big as this in the basque country. The infrastructure that will change not only the communications, but also the social and economic structure of the Basque Country is now called the HST. (High speed trains)
But, what’s the high speed train? This new way of transport  is designed to join big cities in competitive times with the plane. The idea consists of doing a design of route combined with the reduction of stops on the stations in order that trains could  circulate to speeds superior to 250 km/h. This implantation, logically, demands the construction of costly infrastructures designed only for this specific project, which  brings serious social, environmental impacts and high costs of construction.

If we focus on the environmental problems, we will  see that this affects strongly on the biodiversity, for example:
Physical barrier: The high-speed train's road and constructions turns into an impregnable barrier  between the fauna and  people. This effect  provokes the isolation of species and the increase of the probability of extinction and plagues.
Erosion: The route has to be straight due to the high announced speeds, which forces to realize big tunnels and bridges. But this routes generate millions cubic meters of rubbles and this will suppose an environmental serious and decisive impact for animals and, apart from that, these rubbles will need near 300.000 trucks to be transported.
Electromagnetic pollution: This High-velocity projects makes the system of electrification grow  25.000V and  they ignore the pollution of electromagnetic type that take place in the environment. This causes repercussions in the health, for example, cancer, immunological syste, alterations in the production of hormones and proteins…


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