martes, 19 de enero de 2016

The invasion of Zebra Mussel 3A

                 ZEBRA MUSSEL

The biodiversity problem that we have chosen is the zebra mussels, which has its name because of the striped pattern of their shells. This species is originally from the lakes of southern Russia.
However, the zebra mussel has been introduced
to another ecosystems, in other words, this issue
can lead into the invasion of this mussel into different rivers, considering that it can live up to four or five years and it reproduces rapidly, just to mention a fact, they produce nearly one million eggs each year.

For example, near us, there is a plague about these species, concretely, in Basauri - Biscay which is getting bigger and bigger everyday.


1 comentario:

  1. Good, you´ve got a problem. Now get out there and do some research!!
    Why is it a problem? is it affecting local biodiversity? Why? How?....
    Be especific in your answers! G.
